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Himmeli is a traditional Nordic decoration originating from Finland and Sweden, with its name derived from the Swedish word for sky or heaven. Dating back to the 17th century, himmeli were originally made from straw or reeds and symbolized good fortune and prosperity in rural communities. Over time, they became associated with Christmas and were believed to bring luck and ward off evil spirits. Beyond Finland and Sweden, himmeli has also found a place in the traditions of Baltic countries such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Here, artisans have adapted the craft, incorporating their own regional influences and techniques. While still emblematic of the holiday season, himmeli has evolved beyond Christmas, finding its place in year-round decor, weddings, and celebrations, ensuring its enduring relevance in modern times. Come join us and make your very own himmeli. Using traditional materials such as natural straw and string, you’ll be guided through the serene process of creating these intricate geometric decorations. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to craft something truly beautiful and rewarding.