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Other Weaving Sessions available:

Beginning Weaving Session A: 

In Part A of our Weaving Series you will make a Gradient Scarf.  Weaving looms will be provided in class*  We will begin weaving the scarf during our workshop, but you will need approximately 4-8 hours to complete this project outside of class time. You can take the loom home for a small rental fee, or signup for studio time to work on your project. You will have the option to sign up for Weaving Class B, where you will learn finishing techniques. 

Introduction to Weaving and Looms:  You’ll start by getting an overview of weaving as a craft and the different types of looms available. We will introduce you to the rigid heddle loom, explaining its basic components and how it works.

Basic Weaving Techniques:  You’ll learn essential weaving techniques, such as plain weave (over, under), beating the weft (horizontal threads) into place, and changing sheds (raising and lowering the loom heddle ).

Tension and Beat:  Maintaining even tension and the right level of “beat” (how hard you press down on the weft) is crucial for a well-finished piece. You’ll practice achieving uniform tension and beat.

Tips and Troubleshooting:  Throughout the class, your instructor will provide tips and guidance on common issues and how to fix them, such as fixing mistakes in your weaving.

*What’s included:  Instruction, use of the loom and weaving tools during the session, yarn to complete one scarf.  One week no cost loom and tool rental (cc deposit required) to weave your project at home. After you weave your scarf, you can choose to remove it and finish it yourself or take our Weaving Class B on Finishing Techniques.


Other Weaving Sessions available:

Beginning Weaving Class B: 

Finishing Techniques:  Once your weaving is complete, you’ll learn how to finish the project. This typically involves cutting it off the loom, securing the loose ends by tying knots, fringing,  or hemstitching.  We will learn about washing or blocking the fabric to set the weave and adding optional embellishments.

Whats included:  Instruction and all supplies.

Beginning Weaving Class C: 

Warping the Loom:  You’ll be taught how to measure and wind the warp onto the loom. This step is crucial for even tension and a successful weaving project. Threading the Heddle:  Threading the heddle is the process of passing each individual warp thread through the holes and slots in the heddle. You’ll learn the correct order and techniques for threading. 

Sleying the Reed:  The reed is a part of the loom that helps maintain the spacing of the warp threads. You’ll learn how to “sley” the reed, which involves passing the threads through the reed’s dents or slots. Tying On and Weaving the Header:  Before you start your main weaving, you’ll tie the warp onto the front beam and weave a few rows of scrap yarn, known as the header. This secures the warp threads in place and ensures they are evenly tensioned.

What’s included:  All instruction.  We will learn the process on our studio loom.  Mi Craft house has looms available for rent if you would like to take a loom home after class and start a project at home.